
Hello! My name is Sungjun Han.
I am proud to announce my graduation from the Electronic and Information Engineering (MEng) program at Imperial College London, completed in 2023.
My academic and professional journey is deeply rooted in software engineering and artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on data science, machine learning, and deep learning.
Welcome to my portfolio, where I showcase my skills and accomplishments in these dynamic fields.


These are some projects I have worked on over the past. They include group projects and courseworks as well as some individual work.

FYP - Intelligent Algorithms for DNA Detection

This repository contains the code for my Final Year Project at Imperial College London on Deep Learning Algorithms (Transformers) for DNA Sequence Detection (Time Series) by Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP).

IBM AI Watson Pet

Project with Imperial College London and IBM to create an AI pet to target social isolation of the elderly. Watson can freely interact with its users and connect them to social media via APIs, while also being able to physically interact via touch sensors.

C90 to MIPS Compiler

A compiler from C to MIPS assembly. Includes the lexer, parser, and AST. Group Project for Imperial College London Electronic and Information Engineering Year 2.


A system Verilog implementation of a five stage pipelined, MIPS processor. Group Project for Imperial College London Electronic and Information Engineering Year 2.

Mars Rover Project

Mars Rover Model designed to communicate with server to detect remote objects. Group Project for Imperial College London Electronic and Information Engineering Year 2.

Circuit Analysis Tool

Software package designed to perform transient simulation on various input electrical circuits. Group Project for Imperial College London Electronic and Information Engineering Year 1.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me by leaving a message below or sending an email to andyhan0512@gmail.com!

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